Minimising disruption caused by rail works
Network Rail’s plans to invest £37.5bn to develop the UK’s rail infrastructure between 2014 and 2019 will be a major challenge – not least in ensuring that the works involved are not a costly exercise and don’t alienate the public before the upgraded network is delivered.
- A system that automatically analyses performance for you and then points to how performance can be improved is essential for adjusting and improving the asset regime.
When maintaining or renewing the rail infrastructure, one of the key issues is track access (or “possession”). Any delays in works result in financial penalties and cause further possessions, which are disruptive to the running of the rail network. Therefore, possession planning and execution hold the key.
Network Rail have used sfn to help establish high performance around:
By consolidating data from the entire rail network, sfn allows managers, planners and front-line engineers to see the signals that identify changes in performance, and so allows them to take action immediately